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CES 2015 Is History!

CES 2015 Is History!

CES 2015 is history and it was a very successful trip once again. Including this one I made a personal record 87 CES-related videos. Thanks ...
I'm getting a medical marijuana card in D.C. And you can too! – Fusion

I'm getting a medical marijuana card in D.C. And you can too! – Fusion

I’m getting a medical marijuana card in D.C. And you can too!FusionIt’s pretty easy to get a card. The medical marijuana industry is booming...
LG Has An Amazing Booth At CES #CES2015

LG Has An Amazing Booth At CES #CES2015

This is a look at the great LG booth at CES. And a rare happening: Juliet is in two of my videos at CES 2015 - this and Tietro! via IFTTT
Inu Folding Electric Bike At CES

Inu Folding Electric Bike At CES

The Inu Folding Electric Bike is an amazing and stylish example of modern personal tech at CES. This model in the video is a prototype; the ...
Exelium Wireless Smartphone Charging App At CES

Exelium Wireless Smartphone Charging App At CES

The Exelium Wireless Smartphone Charging App Demo was awesome. It can be used for car and home and there is more information at http://Exeli...
Pono Music Pono Player At CES #CES2015

Pono Music Pono Player At CES #CES2015

Pono Music rolled out the amazing Pono Player which is best described as a modern compact Walkman. For more info visit http://ponomusic.com....
SeeBright Augmented Reality For Smartphones At CES

SeeBright Augmented Reality For Smartphones At CES

This video has a demo of the SeeBright Augmented Reality App for your smartphone. It's not yet released but you can find out more about ...
Kelly Talks GemPhones.com At CES

Kelly Talks GemPhones.com At CES

Gem Phones is a cool new headset ear piece that is also a necklace. Kelly demonstrates how it works in this video but you can go to http//ww...
Bionic Bird Takes Flight At CES

Bionic Bird Takes Flight At CES

The Bionic Bird was flying around at CES. It's a mechanical bird that you control via your smartphone. For more info go to http://mybion...
Melo Mind Connected Headset At CES

Melo Mind Connected Headset At CES

Melo Mind is a connected headset that uses your smartphone and brainwaves to transmit music. You can find out more at melomind.com. via IFT...
Chris Eschbach On Valencell Fit Tech At CES

Chris Eschbach On Valencell Fit Tech At CES

Chris Eschbach is the founder of Valencell Fitness Technology. At CES the exercise physiologist presents his line of products including the ...
Jessica On Valencell Wearable Fitness Tech At CES

Jessica On Valencell Wearable Fitness Tech At CES

Jessica of Valencell Fitness Tech Inc presents their wearable devices for fitness. For more go to http://Valencell.com. via IFTTT
Dr. Phil Robinette Of Vanguard Univ Talks CES

Dr. Phil Robinette Of Vanguard Univ Talks CES

Dr. Phil Robinette of Vanguard University has attended 26 CES events going back to the Comdex days. In this interview the professor talks ab...
Osaka Chamber Of Commerce At CES Interview

Osaka Chamber Of Commerce At CES Interview

The Osaka, Japan Chamber Of Commerce has an innovative approach where they pick a select number of firms to go to CES Las Vegas. We talked a...
Alcohoot Breathalyzer App At CES #CES2015

Alcohoot Breathalyzer App At CES #CES2015

The Alcohoot Breathalyzer App shown by Corrie at CES 2015 is an amazing device that is a personal sobriety checker. It not only checks your ...
Finsix DART Tiny 65 Watt Charger At CES

Finsix DART Tiny 65 Watt Charger At CES

Vanessa Green, the CEO of Finsix introduces the 65 watt DART charger that is the smallest and most effective product of its kind. For more g...
iFit Fitness Tech Apps At CES #CES2015

iFit Fitness Tech Apps At CES #CES2015

iFit Fitness Tech Apps presentation was one the hits at CES. The Utah based company produces a variety of apps for fitness inside and outsid...
CES 2015 Day 4: My Impressions To Date

CES 2015 Day 4: My Impressions To Date

This is CES 2015 Day 4, the last day. So far I have made over 70 items of video content alone. What impressed me to this point was the WiTri...
WowWee Bipasaur Robot Dinosaur At CES

WowWee Bipasaur Robot Dinosaur At CES

The WowWee Bipasaur Robot Dinosaur is a new toy that was presented at CES 2015. It is a small motorized, sensor equipped toy that has sensor...
USOC chooses Boston over DC as its candidate to bid for 2024 Summer Games – Washington Post

USOC chooses Boston over DC as its candidate to bid for 2024 Summer Games – Washington Post

USOC chooses Boston over DC as its candidate to bid for 2024 Summer GamesWashington PostIt was a daunting task from the beginning, trying to...

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