Assault Weapons are military-style devices, and were designed by the military. Plus, you can get them online. Dana Loesch would have you believe otherwise.
Dana Loesch, a conservative talk radio show host, made a statement on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight that would make any intelligent person want to hurl, or throw their TV set out of the window, or scream at Van Jones, who was served as the liberal counter to both she and Grover Norquist, the anti-tax advocate who also sits on the board of the National Rifle Association (NRA), for not aggressively talking her down.
Loesch unbelievably said this: “I’m going to correct you, because I am tired of this talking point being put out there. First and foremost, let’s get something straight. ‘Military-style assault weapons’ are not out on the street. We are talking about semi-automatic weapons, weapons that are capable of–”
Equally unbelievably, Van Jones let Ms. Loesch talk over him, spewing awful lies about assault weapons. And at Zennie62, we learn just how easy it is to buy an assault weapon, which was created by the military, and for military use. Visit Zennie62.com: Assault Weapons Are Military-Style; Dana Loesch Wrong On CNN -
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