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Rolling Stone UVA Gang Rape Story Error Has Lesson

Rolling Stone UVA Gang Rape Story Error Has Lesson The Rolling Stone UVA Rape Story that the magazine was forced to take back after inconsistencies were found in the victim's claims, has a set of lessons. The first one for media types is to try and get both sides of any story in matters like this. Even if the other side will not talk, at least reach out to them. The second one is to avoid a rush to judgment when a woman says she has new rapped. We all want to be on her side and help but we also have to make sure we know what did happen. Not doing so opens the flood gates for those who would use our good nature to craft a lie. We have to prevent that as best we can of only to get to the truth. We all want to protect anyone from horrible events like the one reported but we must remember that what we put out in media impacts lives. We must be careful. Myself included.

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