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Oscar 2016 Ratings Fall Due To Smaller Number Of Best Picture Nominees Versus 2014 #Oscars

Oscar 2016 Ratings Fall Due To Smaller Number Of Best Picture Nominees Versus 2014 The 2016 Oscars with Chris Rock as host clocked in the lowest ratings in 8 years. The reason was not Rock or the #OscarsSoWhite problem, but the eight movie format for Best Picture Nominees. See, in 2010, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) moved from a five movie format to a ten movie approach for Best Picture - something not done since 1944. The result was consistently higher ratings than for the five movie format. But starting in 2015, that was dropped to eight movies and along with it the ratings slide started. AMPAS seemed to limit the selection to movies that didn't have black actors which gets to the other problem. But a smaller number of movies was the main one. So my solution is is to have a 12 movie Best Picture format. That will guarantee record ratings. Stay tuned.

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