Julian Assange rape charges dropped, Wikileaks founder cleared
According to Aljazeera, Eva Finne, Sweden's chief prosecutor, Julian Assange was "no longer wanted."
On Friday, it was reported that the two women, who knew each other, came forward to Swedish Police. But the problem was they did not want to file an official report because of their so-called fears of his power.
What's fishy about that story is if the women actually knew who Julian was, thus "fearing his power," which is a joke of a claim, and knew what his controversial Wikileaks issue was about, why would they seek to file a false report of rape, especially since he up against the U.S Government?
If they were supporters of his cause, they would not have done that. Period.
Under the circumstances, because they're not named and did not file an official report, its fair to ask if the women were connected to the CIA?
Many news organizations will go back to the story that Wikileaks has over 70,000 documents on its website that are classified and concern the War in Afghanistan. But the dropping of charges does not begin to explain exactly and in detail why they were issued. And who were the two women who brought the story forward?
Charging someone with rape is a serious issue. What's more troubling is that it was done at a time when Wikileaks and Julian Assange are the focus of the U.S Governments anger. Anyone who abuses the legal process to make a false claim should be punished.
Stay tuned for more on this fish story.
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